Members Meeting - 2009

Jane's Life - Nov 21 2009

Margaret invited us to the January birthday tea and requested everyone to sign-up as a volunteer.

Judith conducted a tour of this website, with its new pages and information. Also, we were introduced to some great sites for Janeites. 

We learned about Jane Austen and Her Family, and several members reviewed biographies of Jane Austen, both old and new.

Marriage Proposales - Sept 19 2009

On 2009 September 19 Margaret, Emma and Randi led a discussion on the many marriage proposals in the novels (successful and unsuccessful) that Jane refers to but doesn’t actually include in her novels. We wrote and acted out what we imagined was said by whom to whom.

Winchester, Chawton and Bath - March 14 2009


On 2009 March 14 Judith Umbach and Deirdre Harris entertained members with stories of their trip through Winchester, Chawton and Bath. Their DVD and photo show brought back memories for some and inspired others to plan a trip to see the Jane Austen sites. Following the presentation, everyone contributed their own stories and tips for travel.