Annual Tea - January 2011
Jane Austen Society of Calgary Annual Tea 2011
JASNA Annual Tea - 2011
Our splendid tea this year featured our new collection of pink roses teacups and saucers. We enjoyed sipping and noshing on chocolate trifle, fancies and fruit bread. Tom Barton proposed the toast to Jane Austen, reminding us of her influence. Later excited Janeites won their favourites in the raffle. Pat Barton entertained us and enlightened us with her presentation, "Dancing Through the Years".
As part of Pat's presentation, Sprigged Muslin demonstrated dances from medieval times to Austen's Regency era. Sadly for us, Pat is retiring as our dancing instructor, but happily we welcome Ruth Steven as our new dancing instructor. The event concluded with our congratulations and thanks to Pat Barton.