Members Meeting - January 2021
Jane Austen Bingo
Hello bingo playing Janites!
January brough us another chance to come together via Zoom and share in our love of Jane with fellow JASNA members near and far, like special guest Lisa Brown who joined us from the JASNA Central New York Region.
The session began with our thanks to JASNA Canada for their gracious sponsorship of our Zoom account. This generous support allows us and to meet without time constraints and has been a welcome resource for all.
We then shared how our members first met Jane. Some knew her from childhood when dear family or friends gifted them with their first Austen novel. Many others met her through study, whether in high school English or University literature classes. But many more met Jane thanks to the 1995 BBC Pride and Prejudice and still have a special place in their heart for the miniseries that first brought them into the world of Jane.
We also discussed how we each came to join JASNA Calgary. While some have been there since practically the beginning many others joined only recently. There were memories from when meetings were first held in the Central Library and when notices were placed in actual newspapers to advertise the events. Most all expressed that their desire to find their “tribe” of fellow Jane fans drove them to internet searches where they then found JASNA. Whatever the reason, we’re happy for each member who comes to share their love of Austen.
Lisa then graciously took on the role of “Bingo Caller” for our first inaugural Jane Austen bingo game. Members were emailed bingo cards for each game prior to the big day, and each game featured one of Austen’s classic novels. Some couldn’t get to a printer and decided to create calligraphy versions for themselves. Those members that didn’t have a traditional “bingo dauber” got creative with buttons, pennies, and even dice.
The game was a combination of bingo as well as identifying the role of the character being called out. This aspect certainly challenged the group as many novels featured dozens upon dozens of characters that interact with the main storyline. We had a great time teasing each other and laughing at ourselves over just how many we may had missed.
Much fun was had by all as competitive instincts kicked in and “HUZZAH!” was called out when the bingo card lines filled up. Many thanks to Lisa for creating such a well-researched game that challenged and entertained. We hope to have her join again sometime for another rousing round.
As always, it was such a pleasure to meet with fellow members and see all the smiling and welcoming faces. The group was sure to thank Laurie for her tireless efforts to engage and connect with the group over this challenging time. If you, or someone you know, would like to join us next time simply reach out to learn more.